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Heifer International

Heifer International is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charity working to end hunger and poverty in a sustainable way by supporting and investing alongside local farmers and their communities.


​Some of the youth here at Tracy Church raise goats for their projects as LaPorte County 4-H members. With them as our inspiration, we chose to make one of our Missions an opportunity to raise enough money to provide a family in need with a goat through Heifer International. We have been able to make a goat donation through Heifer International for the last two years!


In November 2023, at the time we made our donation, Heifer International was tripling donations so the goat and sheep we were able to donate were actually three goats and three sheep that were given to families in need!

The purchase of a goat through Heifer International provides the family with training and education in the care of the goat. When the goat has its first female baby, that goat is passed on to friends or neighbors to further serve their community.


Each goat gift donation provides:

  • Provides milk, cheese and butter for nourishment

  • Boosts income through sales of extra milk

  • Encourages better crop yields by creating fertilizer and clearing land

Sheep donated through Heifer International provide wool which is a valuable resource, providing warm clothing for families and children living in harsh environments. Entire communities depend on sheep for their livelihood. Sheep are a great donation because they are adaptable and can survive nearly anywhere in the world!


Donating sheep gifts to a community:

  • Boosts income through sales of extra wool

  • Enable families to Pass on the Gift to others quickly

  • Provides warm clothing for families living in harsh environments

In 2022, we also raised enough money to make a honeybee donation to a family through Heifer International.  A Heifer honeybee gift donation includes a bee package, hive, box and training in beekeeping techniques. 


A gift of bees for a family in need provides:

  • Increases the global honeybee population to support the environment

  • Boosts income through sales of honey, wax and pollen

  • Stimulates growth of the family’s crops through pollination

Click here to learn more about the work of Heifer International.

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